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Thursday, August 19, 2010

"I'm TIRED of waitin' on the Lord"

Good Morning ~
"I'm TIRED of waitin' on the Lord!"
Have you ever said that?  Maybe not out loud but have you ever

said it in your heart?  

You hear all these gospel songs and sermons about 'waitin' on
the Lord' but then you secretly think to yourself, "Lord, when is
it going to be MY turn?"

Romans 8:25 states, But is we hope for that we see
not, then do we with patience wait for it.

I know, I know, I hear ya - nobody likes waiting for anything.  

Especially in our microwave/drive-thru driven society.  

We want things fast - like yesterday.  

However, when it comes to the things of God, He requires
that we wait.  Remember the saying, "Good things come to
those who wait"

Also, the word, "patience" in this Scripture, means cheerful

So not only does God expect us to endure the waiting
process, He wants us to do so cheerfully.

Why?  Because He wants us to wait in faith knowing that
His Word is true and that what God has for you is for you
in His season for your life.

So even though the flesh may not want to hear it, I want to
encourage you to continue to wait on God with cheerful
expectancy and cheerful endurance - in the end you'd be glad
you did.


God bless you is my prayer today,
I pray the Lord will keep you  safe,
Until we write again.

 Written by anonymous

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Morning Prayer

Greetings everyone,

I wish everyone a bless day in the land of the living. I pray that this letter reaches you in good health and strength. Continue to pray for the children as for some has returned back to school while others await for there return. Speak the promise in each and every one of there lives. We must plead the blood of Jesus over them all because the enemy is trying to destroy the children at an early age. We can put a stop to it all by praying for them each and every day. If there is any prayer request please let it be known if you do not want to reply to this email then you can make your prayer request be anonymous on my blog page of . I will continue to pray for each and everyone of you in general and allow the Lord to guide me in a deeper prayer life for you all. God has come to set the captives free and who the son sets free is free indeed.

It's time to Pray people the enemy is busy but God is the almighty one over the enemy.

Make your day be what you want it to be and SMILE!! :-)
