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Friday, January 15, 2010

Remorseful Times

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Greetings everyone,

I say welcome to my new supporters. This excites me to see this outreach
ministry grow in leaps and bounds. I welcome all prayer request, testimony
and/or comments in general. Feel free to express yourself because we are
all in this together. If you don't feel that you want to go public with
your comments or request you can always email me on my personal email Take note that you can always leave any
comments and/or questions anonymous on the comment post. We all are
battling in different ways so we want to be safe at all times. I pray for
my viewers and want to protect them at the same time. It is never easy but
you can overcome and we are here to assist in any way to help you make
healthy decisions.

Let me say that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I am
asking for you all to pray for my brother (George) when you go into your
quiet place. Pray for my family as well that we will find the strength and
courage to endure through these trying times together.

The Word for the day…..

What are some of the past failings in your life that you have found
difficult to get over? These failings can speak with cruel voices that
accuse and demoralize us. They tell us that we are no longer worthy of
God's love and attention. That we've messed up big time. That there is no
redemption of our circumstance. Our self-worth plummets, and we begin to
agree with our accuser that there is nothing good in us nothing worth
salvaging. And then Jesus comes with a new commission for our lives,
heaping blessings on top of our incredulity that He still loves us in spite
of our foolishness. He extends His grace to us for a new beginning and a
better tomorrow, and we're made a little stronger and a whole lot wiser.
Thank God for His mercy, for He knows we are but dust. Thank God that He is
the God of many chances as we need to get it right!

A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he
who plants kindness gathers love.

Why not ask the Lord to give you creative ideas which will brighten
someone's life today. Perhaps a brief telephone call or post card will
remind them how important they really are to you and to God, Their Heavenly

Galatians 6:7,9 says, Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap….And
let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we
faint not.

It's time to Sound the Alarm!
Atara aka Sound the Alarm Outreach

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