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Friday, November 16, 2012

Choose the positive

Choose the positive
From the exact same situation, you can be frustrated or you can be
inspired. Choose to be inspired.
Whatever the circumstance, you can be filled with fear or you can be filled
with love. Choose the positive energy of love.
You can see the situation as a problem, or you can see it as an
opportunity. Make the choice to look at it as an opportunity, and the
opportunity will indeed be valuable.
Life is what it is. Yet the way you choose to see it makes all the
difference in the way you are able to live it.
See the positive possibilities, choose the positive response, and you'll
live a rich and fulfilling life. Go through each day with a positive
perspective, and you'll encounter new treasures in every moment.
You always have a choice, and your choice always has its consequences.
Choose positive, and choose the best of all possible worlds.

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