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Friday, November 9, 2012

Own your good fortune

Own your good fortune
Don't wish for a solution to your problems. Be the solution, with the way
you live each moment.
If you hold out hope that something will come along to make it all better,
you'll be disappointed. Life gets better when you choose to live it in a
positive, intentional, responsible and fulfilling way.
Good fortune is not something that happens to you. Rather, it is the way
you can choose to be, no matter what happens.
If your happiness is dependent on factors beyond your control, you'll never
be secure enough in it to enjoy it. If you have to beg for favors, those
favors will be of little use to you.
Good fortune is yours when you take full and complete ownership of it.
Fulfillment is yours when you make the effort and commitment to live it
each day.
Embrace total responsibility, and own your good fortune. All is well
because you choose to make it so.

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