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Monday, November 28, 2011


Run with it
Let your life come fully and positively to life. You are here on this
glorious day, so make the very most of it.
You have passions and interests, so pursue them. You have dreams and
desires, so get busy and fulfill them.
You have unique perspectives and opinions, so express them. A magnificent,
fascinating universe surrounds you, so experience it.
There are people about whom you care deeply. So give them your time, your
attention, your love and fellowship.
You've already experienced yesterday, so don't live it again today. This is
a day to bring new and interesting and meaningful substance into your life.
On this very day you have the priceless opportunity to live. Take that
opportunity, right now, and run with it as far and as high as you possibly

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Plenty to choose from to listen to our STAO Radio station on TBA and M - F 6am
CST - 7am, Hot Hitz Radio every Sunday Morning at 8am. We bring real talk
and great music for your listening pleasure. Tell a friend.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What you pay for.....

What you pay for
You get what you pay for. So look at each opportunity to pay as an
opportunity to enrich your life.
When you seek to get something for nothing, what you usually end up with is
nothing worth having. It is by investing yourself in life that you're able
to reap life's best rewards.
In the effort, in the commitment, in the price you pay is the value. Don't
cheat yourself out of that value.
Be willing to pay the price, and you become able to enjoy the reward. Be
willing to invest your time, effort and resources, and you'll be capable of
creating real, meaningful value.
You get what you pay for, so it makes sense to give your best in every
situation. Pay the price, with authentic gratitude in your heart, and enjoy
life's greatest rewards.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Always a Way

Always a way
Changing conditions may change the path to fulfillment of your dreams, or
even the nature of that fulfillment. Yet the essence of your underlying
purpose remains the same.
What could have been, can still be. At its deepest level, no dream is ever
rendered impossible.
There is always a way to live the life you choose. There is always a way to
express your own beautiful, most authentic vision.
Dare to dream, and dare to live with the confidence that your dream will
come true. When it means enough to you, there is a way for it to come
Plan and execute your approach. And if the plan happens to fall short, know
that there is most certainly another way.
Don't hold yourself back with limiting thoughts about how it might or might
not happen. Push yourself forward with enthusiastic, positive expectations
and actions, and bring the dream to life.

As we quickly approach the holiday's be mindful of those who may not have.
Come together to make the holiday's joyous for everyone!!! Thank you for
your love and support continue to share with family and friends about our
mission. Tune in to and follow us on and
Once again I thank you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Great Courage

Great courage
You have great courage. Use it.
Whenever you feel fear, you are also feeling your potential for courage. Go
ahead, feel the fear, and then let that courage of yours spring to life.
The fact that you can feel the fear means you also have the courage to get
beyond it. Otherwise, the fear would serve no useful purpose.
Put that fear to good use by allowing it to ignite your courage. Put that
courage to good use by utilizing it to move toward positive, meaningful
Feel the fear and know it means you have the courage. Learn from that fear
and then step forward with all that courage.
The beginning of courage feels like fear. Follow through on that feeling,
let the courage come, and with it you will achieve great things.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Your Greatest Opportunity

Your greatest opportunity
Don't wait for later to do what you love and to love what you're doing.
Life is made richer in increments of now, and this very moment is your
moment to fully live.
Keep reminding yourself how much of a privilege it is to be where you are
right now. Keep working to make the most of that unique privilege, and use
it to lift all of life ever higher.
Stop making excuses about why you can't. Start making grand fulfillment out
of the goodness you have.
Discover how immensely thankful you can be that this moment is here. Enjoy
how enthusiastic you can be about fulfilling this day's most glorious
Now is when you can get the most out of life by putting the most into life.
Now is when you can find maximum enjoyment in being authentically you.
Do what you love and love what you're doing. Your greatest opportunity is

Sound the Alarm Outreach want to thank you for your support!!!

Act on it!!

Act on it
Even the best idea is only an idea. To give it value, act on it.
Even the most ambitious intention is only an intention until you begin to
act on it. Once you take action and put some commitment behind it, then you
begin to transform that intention into real value.
Most of the world doesn't really care about what you think you'll do or
what you plan to do. To make the world take notice, take action.
Very few people care about what you think or how you feel. What will give
you credibility and influence is what you actually do.
By all means, think and plan and dream. Then stand up, step forward, follow
through and do.
Zero in on an intention that has real meaning for you. Then act on it,
persistently and enthusiastically, and bring it fully to life.

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Enough Time

Enough time
Make time to do your dream. Make time to live the richness.
Make time for what's important by remembering how truly precious your time
is. There is always enough time when you give sufficient value to your
Complaining that there's not enough time merely wastes more of your time.
Instead of being resentful about what you must do, be appreciative of what
you can do.
Is there something you're doing that doesn't seem like it's worth the time?
Then you can either stop doing it or find ways to put more meaningful value
into it.
If there's something you're doing that's not important, consider how you
can make it important. Put more real value and meaning into your efforts,
and the time you give to those efforts will be time well spent.
Appreciate each moment as it comes, giving your authentic best to it. And
you'll have plenty of time to live the life you truly wish to live.

Tell someone about our mission and tune in to our next STAO Radio

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Give the Value

Give the value
You can't fully enjoy life if you're always expecting someone else to live
it for you. The value of each experience is directly related to the value
you are willing to put into it.
Instead of seeing your efforts, your obligations and your responsibilities
as burdens, see them as opportunities. When you feel resentment or
frustration brewing, choose to replace those feelings with gratitude and
The way to truly enjoy life is to continually give your own unique beauty
and value to it. The way to truly enjoy life is through your efforts, your
commitments, and your authentic creativity.
Every day puts you in a position to give of yourself, so make the most of
the opportunity. In every moment there are real, beneficial things you can
do to lift your whole world.
To the extent that you do so, life becomes more meaningful, more fulfilling
and much more enjoyable. Even the complicated, frustrating, and
uncomfortable tasks add immensely to the enjoyment when you remind yourself
of the purpose behind them.
Make the effort, do the work, and give the unique value that's yours to
give. Enjoy the matchless satisfaction of living each moment to truly make
a difference.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Your world is a mirror
Your judgments about other people say more about you than they do about the
people you're judging. The reason you can detect the weaknesses and
insecurities of others is because you have experienced those same
weaknesses and insecurities.
Similarly, the reason you're able to see beauty in others is because that
beauty lives in you as well. The positive possibilities you see for others
are, in many ways, your possibilities too.
It's very helpful to think of the world outside of you as a mirror.
Whatever you see beyond you in some way reflects what is inside you.
The most powerful and effective way to improve the world around you, is to
improve yourself. The best way to bring real value into your life, is to
create real value for others.
What you admire and appreciate and support in others, grows stronger within
you as well. When you seek to understand, you will be understood, and when
you listen thoughtfully, you will be heard.
Your world is a mirror, so choose each day to show it your best, most
loving and supportive face. And you'll be delighted with the face you see
looking back at you.