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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Permission to lighten up

Good morning beautiful people! Before I end this last day of the year I will give myself Permission to Lighten Up!

I used to be too intense. I was intense about how my children behaved and looked. I was intense about how my house looked, how I looked and what people thought of us. I was intense about trying to change my mate into what I thought he should be and do. I really can't think of anything I wasn't intense about! It could be too much to bear with at times. I'm talking about me not none of you, so keep reading. Lol What I really needed to do was give myself permission to lighten up!

I didn't know how to trust God with daily life. I was out of balance in almost everything. This year alone was a roller coaster of out of balance. I did not yet realize that celebration and enjoyment are necessary in our lives, we cannot be healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically without it! In fact, celebration is so necessary that God made sure He put it in the Bible. He literally commands us to celebrate.

Read Psalms 138:5

Yes, they will sing about the lord ’s ways, for the glory of the lord is very great.

The best gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you, and you cannot be healthy without celebration being a regular part of your life. Today, change the entire atmosphere in your life with celebration. Give yourself permission to lighten up!

My prayer for us this day: Dear God, don't let me be too intense. Help me remember to give myself permission to lighten up and celebrate Your goodness every day.

You all have a wonderful and safe New Year! See you in 2015 as I prepare myself to walk the red carpet! I love your support let's keep growing and celebrating each achievement together. ~Atara Estes of Sound the Alarm Outreach/STAO Radio

Follow me twitter @ataraestes

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bag lady

I started getting rid of my baggage that has weighed me down or better yet they were distractions to my daily walk. I always thought I had things under control while I was fooling myself it was indirectly controlling me.

The holidays well its not the same.... Too many bad memories left in my head. So as I look forward to the new year I pray that I not only leave those old things behind but that they stay where they belong. Because if they were meant to be for me then we would soaring over the distractions and embracing the main attractions. Life!!

I don't think I'm meant to be alone but for some reason life seem to be that way until the right one (age appropriate man) is able to stand up with me and not hide behind me with other intentions. Ha I don't need no sugar daddy, nor a tender roni. I am a young lady that just need a balance for once in her life.  I'm not looking for no fairytale, no trick, no treat and no pretend to love me. Let it be real someone who has been through the struggle and had overcome with victory because God is the one.

No more temporary attempts this is fulltime commitment with nothing else to spare. Don't get it twisted this is not for anyone to apply because remember fakebook I mean Facebook or any social site is a real place for people to hide behind.  Don't inbox me communicate the old fashion way. Talk! Use your words and meet people of interest face to face. I'm done unloading my baggage now and I feel 10 pounds lighter. I'm about to become the next heavy weight champion of the world. Watch out! It's a whole new world out there. I'm about to embrace it! Be encouraged because it's your season.

Have a great day Kings and Queens! Selah