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Sunday, September 15, 2013


We will get into our feelings when we are going thru tough times. I don't want you to ever think that I'm not human. But I know that I must pray NOT my will but GODS will be done.

Even on yesterday going to speak at the University it was  difficult for me but not in the since to tell my story again but because I am having something disturbing to me emotionally bother me right now while I share what I am trying to empower and educate others to be encouraged.

Jesus is our greatest example on suffering emotionally but he remained obedient to God for what his purpose was on earth was supposed to be. I'm not Jesus nor God but I am a spiritual being who knows that I must get out of myself when it comes to being transparent and allowing so many people to understand my story. I believe that I have made a new level of purpose at this time and the revelation that a person could get for pressing thru your test is the one that gives you a greater testimony. The greater the opposition is the greater the opportunity. Keep praying, praising and fighting y'all. God will see you thru it. It won't feel good but just know God is there all the time. Be blessed. ~Atara

Friday, September 6, 2013


Good morning beautiful people!!!

Wisdom Is Calling Out to You

Along the way on our journey through life, we will have to make many decisions, and we will always get into trouble if we make them emotionally or according to what we think or want.

God wants us to make wise decisions. I believe having wisdom is choosing to do now what we will be happy with later.

Proverbs says that wisdom is calling out to us. You must walk in God's wisdom and realize that the choices you make today will affect your tomorrow. So many people never enjoy life because they're always dealing with messes resulting from a lack of wisdom.

Don't do something selfish, gambling that things will turn out right. Wisdom does not gamble, it invests in the future. Wisdom doesn't settle for a cheap thrill. Instead, it follows God into a better tomorrow.

So what about you? Are you walking in wisdom today? If you're not, the good news is that wisdom is already calling out to you. God's ready and willing to provide you with His wisdom. Just ask Him for it and make the decisions that will invest in a godly future.

Prayer: God, I want to enjoy life, not constantly clean up problems that result from a lack of wisdom. Thank You for providing Your wisdom for me. I choose to receive it and make godly decisions for my future.

Make today a fresh start to a better beginning. Be blessed!!! Be good to yourself and to one another. I am sharing what I must do in order for things in my life to line up because God gives us all a choice and we know right from wrong. I'm going to try if nothing else. How about you??


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Being Discipline

Good morning beautiful people!!! I'm reading the word this morning and this scripture jumps out at me Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

I am busy like the next person. But, what does it mean to be so busy if you have no discipline or have enjoyment doing what you do? I make changes in my life that are healthy and productive to me and those around me. Everything I do has a meaning even when I am hanging with family and friends. Don't forget the small things because they will become big things and that could create chaos in your life. You have the means to ask God for guidance in being discipline. It takes work from you in order to see the change but guess what, you have another day to get started. I'm working on somethings and I don't ever want to lose the enjoyment of my journey by being overwhelmed. So keep me lifted up I'm your prayers because things has lined up for me and it's all in Gods word. Be blessed y'all have fun on today. Be good to yourself and to one another. ~Atara