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Friday, October 14, 2011

Feeling Positive

Feeling positive
Don't feel guilty about what you've failed to accomplish. Feel energized
about what you now can achieve.
Stop feeling remorseful about the time you've wasted. Start feeling
enthusiastic about the time that's now available to you.
When the setbacks come, you won't do yourself any favor by feeling sorry
for yourself. What will help is to direct your feelings into being more
determined than ever before.
There's nothing to be gained by feeling envious of what others have
accomplished. Choose instead to feel inspired by their examples.
It doesn't help anyone for you to feel bad about those who are less
fortunate than you. Instead, make meaningful use of your own good fortune
so that it has a positive and powerful impact on many other lives.
For every reason to feel negative, there's an even better reason to feel
positive. And from those positive feelings come positive and valuable

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