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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Feel that way
What would your life be like if you were living at the most meaningful and
fulfilled level you can imagine? If you want to be that way, then choose to
feel that way.
Your desires are yours because of the way you expect they will make you
feel. Yet no matter what your outside situation may be, your inner feelings
are yours to choose in any flavor, at any time, in any circumstance.
By choosing the feelings that resonate with your dreams, you give real
substance and life to those dreams. By deciding to feel that way, you
become that way.
Though it may seem sometimes your feelings simply come over you, that's not
the way it happens. Whatever you feel is what you have, by habit or by
intention, chosen to feel.
So instead of feeling hopeless, decide to feel empowered. Instead of
feeling angry or bitter, frustrated or fearful, choose to feel determined
and effective.
Allow your most positive, affirming feelings to fill your awareness. And
ride along with those feelings as they find real expression in the
substance of your life.

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